Thursday, March 12, 2009


A few days ago, Partly Cloudy plot details were leaked, but now we have the official synopsis straight from Pixar:

"Everyone knows that the stork delivers babies, but where do the storks get the babies from? The answer lies up in the stratosphere, where cloud people sculpt babies from clouds and bring them to life. Gus, a lonely and insecure grey cloud, is a master at creating ‘dangerous’ babies. Crocodiles, porcupines, rams and more—Gus’s beloved creations are works of art, but more than a handful for his loyal delivery stork partner, Peck. As Gus’s creations become more and more rambunctious, Peck’s job gets harder and harder. How will Peck manage to handle both his hazardous cargo and his friend’s fiery temperament?"

Pixarai pristatė savo sekančio shorto ,,PARTLY CLOUDY" konceptinį piešinį ir scenarijų.
Visi žinome, kad jie daro nuostabiai filmus, tad laukti yra ko. Vien iš šio koncento matyti, jog jie nusiteikę rimtai :)

2 comments: said...

Nu tikrai nusiteikę nejuokais, man net mažai juokinga :)

Meinardas said...

Kietai cia pasakei :D