Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Stress of Business Travel Watch the environmental impact of a typical working day, with all of the stresses and strains that come with business travel. Then see the simple steps you can take and to make a difference and create change. Climate Care Day - A working day without travel.

Kova su klimato atšilimu tęsiasi:)

1 comment:

Dan A said...

Loving the vid. If you calculate all the miles we travel going to and from the meetings in our day-to-day lives, it really adds up to a lot of CO2.

I work for a teleconferencing company called Powwownow. Although we obviously want as many people to use conference calls as an alternative to travel for commercial reasons, we're always trying to stress the importance of acting 'green' wherever possible. And cutting down on unnecessary miles is one of the best ways.

Keep up the good work! Cheers