Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Origami In the Pursuit of Perfection

,,I designed all the origami models and consulted the stopmotion aswell as the computer animators of this world wide corperate movie that thells the story of the japanese sports brand ASICS. The movie won a Grand Prix at the Eurobest, gold at the New York festival, gold at the London International Awarts, silver at the Clio in Miami and two times bronze at ADC Germany."

Autorius padarė visus origamio modelius pasikonsultuodamas su stopmotion ir kompiuterinės grafikos animacijos specialistais, kad papasakotu mums apie japonų sporto prekės ženklą ASICS.
Šis filmas laimėjo Grand Prix Eurobest, auksą Niujorko festivalyje, auksą Londono Tarptautiniame Awarts, sidabras ne Clio, Majamyje, ir du kartus bronzos medaliai ADC Vokietija.

,,Origami In the Pursuit of Perfection":

Origami In the Pursuit of Perfection from MABONA ORIGAMI on Vimeo.

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