Thursday, July 8, 2010

Flat World

Flatworld is an award-winning 1997 animated short directed by Daniel Greaves. The film was shot using a combination of cardboard cut-outs and traditional cell animation.


Matt Phlatt, his cat Geoff and his fish Chips live in Flatworld, a city where everything is paper-thin.

Working on road construction, Matt accidentally cuts through a cable for the information superhighway. The ensuing surge opens portals to Flipside, a world decidedly different from his own, and releases a bank robber from a gangster film on TV. Suddenly, Matt and his pets become entangled with the thief and the police in a spectacular and hilarious chase that switches between Flatworld and Flipside.

Vienas iš geriausių pasaulyje! Tvirtai rekomenduoju :) Labai įtraukianti istorija, jos pateikimas skaniai žiūrisi. Filmas sukurtas 1997m, bet puikiai ir dabar žiūrisi, nei kiek nenusileidžia šiuolaikiniams filmams.
Beje, filmas laimėjęs labai daug apdovanojimų!

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