Sunday, October 26, 2008

Madagascar 2 (about film)

Madagascar 2!
The process of developing a number of rich and the information from the shooting site and the film itself. Not only with the cowboy characters, their adventures, but the actors who dub, animators, who animated all of this parade, and incredible directors. Hollywood loves be crazy so much fun that they have to do with animated characters:)
Let's see it!
P.S. Sorry for the language errors.


Madagaskaras 2!
Paruošiau nepaprastai daug ir turiningos informacijos iš filmavimo aikštelės ir pačio filmo. Susipažinsite ne tik su nutrūktgalviais personažais, jų nepaprastais nuotykiais, bet ir aktoriais, kurie įgarsino, animatoriais, kurie suanimvo visą šį paradą, bei nuostabiaisiais režisieriais. Hollywoodas mėgsta pašėlioti,tad smagu, kad jie ti daro su animaciniasi personažais:)

,,The Story So Far":

,,Creating Action Scenes":

,,Cast Update"

,,From Jungle to Plain"

,,Meet the cast"

,,Penguins Intro"

,,Madagascar 2"

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