Saturday, December 6, 2008

Shaun the Sheep and simon's cat

To celebrate Shaun the Sheep picking up an International Emmy this week, we are pleased to release a full episode of Shaun onto YouTube!
The Farmer takes up oil painting and is determined to paint a masterpiece. But when his back is turned, Shaun and co. decide to have a go.

Šimet labai puikius rezultatus demonstruojantis animacinis ,,Aardman" studijos plastelininis serialas laimėjo prestižinį Emmy, tad nepsikuklino studija ir įkėlė vieną iš epizodų i youtube!

,,Shaun the Sheep - Still Life":

Ir saldiniukas Jums! Naujas Simon's Cat treileriukas. Matyti, kas katiną pakeis labai mielas šuo. Ofiliali filmo premiera antradienį!
A new film by Simon Tofield. Coming 9th December.

,,Simon's cat" trailer:


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

simons cat begalo laukiu,o su avytem toks nerealus:DD